

您好,我叫Ananth Ramaswamy,我是加利福尼亚州圣何塞Chaboya中学的7年级生。我们在课堂上就物质的物理和化学特性有一个问题。我们得到了6个项目:1。溶液具有蓝色和绿色的混合物2.收集的样品闻起来像腐烂的鸡蛋3.样品的密度为1g/cm3,在100ëšc4沸腾4.分析揭示了公式样品为C6H6 5.结果表明,样品是剧毒的6.收集样品在Airwe的房间中非常反应性,然后不得不说这些项目中的每一个都是物理或化学性质。对于我的回答,我写道,颜色的混合物,样品的气味和样品的密度都是物理特性。然后我写道,化学配方(结果表明样品是有毒的,样品在房间空气中都是反应性的都是化学性质。但是,当我们在课堂上对这个问题进行分级时,我的老师说,物质的化学式是物理的,而不是化学财产。是物理或化学特性。然后,我开始阅读有关氧化态的,这进一步加强了我相信物质的化学公式是化学特性。另外,物质的化学公式不会告诉您有关物质物理特征的任何信息。然后,我向老师发送了一封电子邮件,问她关于化学配方是物理或化学特性的问题。 I also gave my reasoning for why I thought it was a chemical property. The next day, she discussed the question with me. She told me that she had asked an 8th grade science teacher, who told her that the chemical formula is a physical property. She said that since the chemical formula is doing nothing to change the chemical identity of the substance, it is not a chemical property; it is a physical property. I told her about oxidation states and I said that my thinking was that the chemical formula is a name which describes the elements that react to form a substance, and it does not describe any of the physical characteristics of the substance. Since I knew that reactivity is a chemical property, I believe that the chemical formula is also a chemical property. My teacher also told me that you could say the boiling point of a substance is a chemical property, though it is actually a physical property. She then compared this to the chemical formula by saying that the chemical formula could also be argued to be a chemical property, but it is actually a physical property. She also said something about electrons being unrelated to the chemical formula of a substance.Now I am extremely confused. I still believe that the chemical formula is a chemical property; however, I am still not entirely sure of this. I found your website and I thought that even though it is a physics website I could ask my question and clarify my doubts. Sincerely,Ananth Ramaswamy





