



我认为你有两个不同的问题,我将回答一次。第一个是“我们可以看到光线的发射宇宙大爆炸之后,在微波频段吗?”You're thinking about this problem in the same way astronomers do. Unfortunately, we can't see light from right after the Big Bang. In this era, the universe was so hot that protons and electrons couldn't combine to form atoms. Separate protons and electrons are charged and strongly scatter light. The atoms first formed about 300,000 years after the Big Bang, in a phase known as "recombination." This is the first time that photons could travel freely through the universe without being scattered by free electrons, so these are the most distant photons we can see.


彭齐亚斯和威尔逊将获得诺贝尔奖的努力,今天宇宙微波背景的最佳无线电来源在宇宙中。这是最完美的黑体,峰值温度为2.725 k。值得注意的是,三个太空望远镜已经建立专门研究这种辐射。(宇宙背景探测器)于1989年发起,绘制整个招商银行,发现很小的温度变化的函数的位置。这很重要,因为这些波动意味着宇宙并非完全统一,但有轻微overdensities和underdensities。这些overdensities积累了越来越多的问题随着时间的推移,形成个人的星系和星系群(称为集群)。威尔金森微波各向异性探测器,于2001年推出,建立在COBE的工作,测量各向异性与更大的灵敏度和分辨率。2009年,威尔金森微波各向异性探测器将另一个改进,推出提高测量的灵敏度和分辨率。到目前为止,我们收集到的所有数据符合宇宙的膨胀是大爆炸理论预测和支持。

你的第二个问题是“我们可以观察发生了红移。”The answer to this is yes, but indirectly. When astronomers take a redshift measurement of a distant object, that provides a measure of how rapidly the object was moving away from us when it emitted the light. (The measure is also sensitive to how the expansion is changing.) If the expansion of the universe were constant in time, the rate at which the object was moving away from us would be directly proportional to the current distance. There would be a simple algebraic formula to calculate the distance at the time the light now reaching us was emitted. However, until the 1990s it was not known if this rate was constant in time. The conventional assumption was that the expansion of the universe should be slowing down because of the gravitational attraction between massive objects. Thus, combining very precise distance measurements of objects with redshift measurements could determine how much more quickly the universe was expanding in the past, and thus determine the mass density of the universe.




本·m . (mw)小编辑

波尔马特,S。“超新星,暗能量和宇宙加速。”Physics Today: April 2003. <>
