
12/8/2021 2:17:48 PM

SIV Schwink for 18新利在线娱乐官网新利足球Illinois物理学


在理论与实验交集的物理学家团队正在为分子电机的“团队合作”(呼叫RNA聚合酶(RNAP)(RNAP))介绍介导DNA转录的新灯。在转录过程中,基因表达的第一步,RNAPS“读取” DNA序列和组装信使RNA(mRNA),这又用作生命所需的蛋白质的模板。

Swanlund物理学教授Nigel Goldenfeld
Nigel Goldenfeld
插入字幕Heresangjin Kim
Sangjin Kim
Purba Chatterjee
Purba Chatterjee

团队 - 成长的首席作家Purba Chatterjee,最近的伊利诺伊州物理18新利在线娱乐官网新利足球博士研究生,现在是宾夕法尼亚大学的博士后研究员;18新利在线娱乐官网新利足球伊利诺伊州物理名誉研究教授Nigel Goldenfeld,现在是加州大学圣地亚哥分校的总理杰出物理学教授;和伊利诺18新利在线娱乐官网新利足球伊州物理教授Sangjin Kim—introduces a new theoretical model elucidating how the mechanism of supercoiling in DNA underlies the collective dynamics of RNAPs that are concurrently translocating on the DNA for transcription. The RNAPs dynamics switch from cooperative to antagonistic mode, in response to the cell’s needs.


在转录过程中,当将一部分螺旋的一部分解压缩为两条链时,将发生DNA超螺旋,这是在引入扭转应力时。The researchers’ work revealed for the first time two essential elements in modeling transcription under torsion: first, transcription factors that are well known to affect the rate at which RNAP initiate transcription can also control the propagation of DNA supercoils, and second, the number of RNAPs present affects the torsional stress experienced by individual RNAPs.

Goldenfeld explains, "Supercoiling is something familiar to anyone who has wrestled with a garden hose or, in times past, a telephone cord. Semi-rigid tubes or, in this case, helices are difficult to fold and they bend into localized tangles—loops that can look like figure eights or worse. Biology battles with the same geometrical issues at the DNA molecular level within living cells.”


Previous experimental and theoretical studies have predicted that the speed at which RNAPs translocate along the DNA during transcription increases with the number of RNAPs actively transcribing the same sequence, but in 2019,金,等。只要RNAP以高于一定阈值的速度启动转录,无论总数如何,RNAP易位的速度首次保持较高。令人惊讶的是,他们发现一旦关闭了启动子,RNAP的数量就会影响速度,即RNAPS停止启动转录时。在当前的工作中,该团队描述了超串联如何构成这些集体效果的基础。

科学家对生物系统进行了建模,其中多个RNAP正在转录相同的DNA段,RNAP易位速度受DNA SuperCroiling产生的扭矩。




Chatterjee, <em>et al.</em>



A switch to antagonistic dynamics, on the other hand, slows translocation for all active RNAPs—now, the multiple RNAPs transcribing a gene together actually impair each other’s motion and transcription is soon shut down altogether.


Chatterjee sums up, “Our theoretical model supports Sangjin’s experimental observation and explains the finding from the physical perspective of DNA supercoiling.”

Goldenfeld adds, “Our modeling and Sangjin's ingenious experiments reveal how the molecular machines known as RNA polymerase essentially communicate and work cooperatively in the processes that ultimately lead to the manufacture of proteins. This exciting project would not have been possible without deep collaboration between theoretical modeling and experiment, and shows how collective phenomena, already well understood in statistical and condensed matter physics, also underpin the most fundamental aspects of biological gene expression."

Kim looks forward to continuing this line of research in the laboratory.


这项工作得到了国家科学基金会,美国国立卫生研究院,塞尔学者计划和伊利诺伊大学Urbana-Champaign物理系的Drickamer Research研究金的支持。得出的结论是研究人员的结论,而不一定是资助机构的结论。